So we are a couple weeks into this crisis with the meetings being cancelled. And you would think the fds would have provided the sheep with helpful spiritual guidance in these times of need. Wtf do they have jw broadcasting for then? Blind guides!
I'm not sure what your complaint is or what proof that there is that they aren't "providing the sheep with helpful spiritual guidance". Seems like they've been doing pretty well and are far from being what you call "blind guides" in this instance.
Since the late 1800's JW's have been preparing their members "spiritually" for an event or events like this where spiritual direction is limited or impossible, hence their constant admonishment to "become spiritually strong""rely upon Jehovah".
As far as I can tell, there has been regular direction in the form of letters from H.Q. every few days. is still up and running and the Elders are supposed to be looking out for the flock on a local level. Each member still have their Bibles and the literature to refer to. There are still telephones, Skype, email, FaceTime and other means for them to be in contact even if the meetings are cancelled. What would you have them do differently?
Not a good idea to fault JW's on everything they do. It makes legitimate complaints less credible.